Stage Photos 劇照
一位精明多嘴的女僕。A shrew but talkative maid
一位憨直且盡忠職守的女僕。An unsophisticated maid who keeps her job in duty
一位見錢眼開的首飾店老闆。An greedy owner of a jewelry shop
同是奧古斯都公爵的貴族好友,無所事事,鍾愛調侃身旁友人的男女關係。 Two good friends of Lord Augustus. Men and women, whoever they are, around them will ultimately fall in their tea-time topic.
同是奧古斯都公爵的貴族好友,無所事事,鍾愛調侃身旁友人的男女關係。 Two good friends of Lord Augustus. Men and women, whoever they are, around them will ultimately fall in their tea-time topic.
上流社會的貴婦,閒來無事就與老男人們沏茶、聊是非,總愛搧風點火,自恃懂得各種男女間的疑難雜症,用嘴說遍天下。 Dubbed as nothing-to-do, she possibly talks about everything, right or wrong, as much as she can with a group of old men. Incited and grandiloquent she is, she also deals with complications in relationship
上流社會的貴婦,閒來無事就與老男人們沏茶、聊是非,總愛搧風點火,自恃懂得各種男女間的疑難雜症,用嘴說遍天下。 Dubbed as nothing-to-do, she possibly talks about everything, right or wrong, as much as she can with a group of old men. Incited and grandiloquent she is, she also deals with complications in relationship
一位為愛痴狂的老貴族,在情場上屢戰屢敗,儘管有不少次離婚紀錄,卻不放棄追求下一個真愛。 Trapped in love, he is a nobleman with long family history. Rarely has he been a winner in love. Despite the fact that divorce has been a routine on his personal record, still, he believes in true love.
一位鑽石單身漢,外表看似花花公子,樂於拈花惹草,直到遇見身為人妻的溫夫人,才讓內心的癡情漢為愛浮出水面。 Lord Darlington, regard as a Casanova, is indeed a golden-rich bachelor. At sight, he loves to keep women around. It isn’t until his first meet with Lady Windermere that his inner affection toward her comes to surface.